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Mission and Vision



TED University carries the mission of fostering graduates that are creative, critical-minded, self-confident, well-rounded lifelong learners by using innovative teaching methods and curricula that have a proper depth-to-breadth balance required by global knowledge economies. TED University, which holds pride in being transparent, accountable and trustworthy, is and will always be a learning institution aiming at continuity and sustainable development and at contributing to the world of science by generating new knowledge through a wide range of scholarly research and creative efforts in focus areas of institutional priority.



TED University aims to be inspiring and unique in providing a transforming and liberating educational experience; and produce knowledge and create solutions through interaction with the town and the society.

Core Values

  • Respect for ethical values,
  • Integrity, solidarity and mutual respect,
  • Progressive and secular institutional position,
  • Excellence in teaching and research,
  • Robust and integrated quality culture,
  • Partnership and cooperation spirit,
  • Stakeholder participation,
  • TED tradition.