Keynote Speakers




Ximena Del Carpio

World Bank

Ximena Del Carpio is Program Leader for Social Inclusion—Social Protection, Labor, Education, Health, Gender, Poverty, Refugees—at the World Bank’s Turkey office in Ankara. Dr. Del Carpio is an expert in social policy, especially in human development and poverty issues. She is currently overseeing the Bank’s work on refugee issues and related response in Turkey. While at the World Bank, she has provided expertise throughout the world and provided policy advice to governments in Latin America, East Asia and the Pacific, and Europe and Central Asia region.

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M. Murat Erdoğan

Hacettepe University

Director of Migration and Politics Research Centre-HUGO, and Dept. Director of European Union Research Center at Hacetepe University in Ankara. Member of UNESCO-Turkey, Member of ISC of Metropolis International.

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Alpay Filiztekin

Özyeğin University

Alpay Filiztekin is a professor of economics and currently serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Business at Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey. He received his BA degree in economics from Boğazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1989 and earned his Ph. D. in economics from Boston College, Massachusetts, USA, in 1994. He worked as an assistant professor at Koc University, Istanbul, between 1994 and 2000 and joined Sabanci University afterwards where he is awarded full professorship in 2011. Since 2016 he is a professor of economics at Özyeğin University. His recent research interest is mostly in empirical studies of within and between regional disparities in economic development, labor market frictions, education, and inequality. He has also conducted research about price dynamics and productivity. He has published several articles in scholarly journals and co-edited a book on Turkish economy.



Fuat Keyman

Istanbul Policy Center, Sabancı University

Fuat Keyman is Director of Istanbul Policy Center and Professor of International Relations at Sabancı University. Keyman is a leading Turkish political scientist and an expert on civil society development, democratization, globalization, international relations, and Turkey – EU relations. He is member of “Think Tank 20″ and the author of four short articles submitted as a part of the project.

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