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Yıldırım Akbal

Yıldırım Akbal

Yıldırım Akbal

Associate Professor

Applied Data Science Master Program

Faculty Member

Completed his master's degree in Analytic Number Theory at Koç University in 20211, and in 2015, his doctorate in the same field at Bilkent University. From 2016 to 2018, he worked as a part-time faculty member at TED University, then as a assistance professor at Atılım University from 2018 to 2020, and as an associate professor from 2020 to 2022. So far he worked as a scholar in two TUBITAK projects, as a post-doctoral researcher in one project, and as a principal investigator in another.

Additionally, he decided to shift his academic career towards the field of data science and machine learning, which he has been preparing for since 2017. Since August 2022, he has been serving as an associate professor at the TED University Graduate Program in Applied Data Science. His research areas focus on applying deep learning techniques to time series and NLP; and on applications of exponential sums and multiplicative number theory in analytic number theory. He currently work on both of these fields simultaneously.