TED University presents input data of public interest in the document TEDU: Facts and Figures. This report is updated twice throughout the year, in June and September. Student numbers at placement vs enrollment, in English prep class vs in faculties, the scholarships, academic and administrative staff numbers, budget figures , etc are provided in this report.
The last updated document can be reached at TEDU: Facts and Figures (October 2020).
Click here for the TEDU Facts and Figures Archive
TEDU Indicators
Annual performance of TED University is mirrored in the document TEDU Indicators. This report is prepared in January and covers all activities of the previous calender year. All relevant indicators covering Teaching & Learning, Research and Services functions of the University are collected in this report.
The last updated document can be reached at TED University Indicators 2014.
Click here for the TEDU Facts and Figures Archive
A city university with Liberal Arts education