Undergraduate Research Fund (TEDU-URF) 2021-2022/II

TEDU-URF is one of the research endorsements provided by TEDU for Undergraduate Students. By making an application to TEDU-URF, Students and Project Advisor (Project Team) pledge that no double-funding[1] exists for the budget items proposed in the application.
The objectives of TEDU-URF are;
- To encourage undergraduate students to initiate and take part in research activities
- To foster interdisciplinary research and strengthen teamwork culture
Criteria for Proposals:
- Projects/Studies that are being carried out under an undergraduate/graduate-level course cannot be submitted to the IRF call of the same semester as project applications.
The project proposals are expected to;
- support institutional strategy, principles and research priorities of TEDU
- develop research & experiment design and project management skills of the students involved in the project teams
- define clear, realistic and achievable project goals, methodology and outputs
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
In the application form, the applicants are expected to indicate whether the project contributes to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or not. If the project contributes to any of the SDGs (of which the details are available on (https://sdgs.un.org/goals), it should be explained under the “Contribution to SGDs” section in detail and “TEDU Sustainable Development Goals” Form should be filled and uploaded to the system.
According to the assessment of TEDU-IRF Commission; the projects which contribute to SDGs will be rewarded with an additional 5 points on top of the Final Assessment Score.
allocate the tasks and resources with respect to time and budget properly with relevant justifications
Funding Information:
Maximum amount of budget for each project cannot exceed 8,000 TL (excluding VAT).
The maximum duration of projects should be 12 months.
Eligibility Criteria:
Applications are accepted from a Project Advisor on behalf of the Project Team, who could either be a full faculty member, instructor, part-time lecturer or research assistant working at TEDU. Project team members must be undergraduate level student(s). Please note that Project Team Leader must have more than one semester until graduation.
How to Apply:
Applications must be made by the Project Advisor through TEDU Portal according to the instructions given in this Call for Proposals document and TEDU-URF Directive. To access the URF Application Form; open Research Endorsements tile/app in TEDU Portal and select “Create Application”. Please don’t forget to select “Undergraduate Research Fund” as Project Type.
Required Documents which should be uploaded to the system:
The following documents must be uploaded to the system in order to make the application pass the conformity assessment and advance through the scientific evaluation phase.
- Timetable (Project Calendar)
- Budget Plan
[1] The situation where the same costs for the same activity are funded twice
- Risk Analysis (Technical, Operational, and Financial Risks should be mentioned -where relevant- and respective mitigation actions & contingency plans should be proposed)
- Proforma Invoices
After the project is decided to be funded, the following documents should be prepared and delivered to ATID within 60 calendar days from the date of project acceptance letter.
- If the proposed project topic contains ethical issues; Ethics Committee Approval ()/Ethics exemption letters
- Letter of Intent (required in the case of collaboration with other institutions)
- Other required Legal/Institutional Permissions (if third party infrastructure or Intellectual Property will be used in the project)
Important Issues
- Application form should be in English.
- Before deciding equipment, software & service pro. budget items that will be requested within the project; it should be first ensured that those are not available for use within TEDU premises.
- Travel item should be used only for realization of project activities, not for dissemination purposes (conference/training/workshop participation). Congress Participation Support Program for Undergraduate and Graduate Students (Budget Code: T-21-B2024-31572) is in place for conference/training/workshop participation.
- Please do not include your personal information in the content of neither the application form nor the mandatory documents.
Please refer to Inst. Directive to learn more about TEDU-URF which was revised on September 23rd, 2021.
For more information and language support please contact Directorate of Research, Technology & Innovation.
Tarih: -